The diagram below shows the flow of jobs in the pipeline. The first job is triggered by a source code commit. Each subsequent job only runs if the preceding one succeeds. We will use Jenkins pipeline jobs so that the configuration can be stored as source code. The Jenkins files for all of the jobs are stored in the application repository, under the Jenkins directory.
In the next few sections, you will create the following pipeline:
Each job consists of the configuration metadata and pipeline steps. The configuration metadata can be set through the Jenkins UI, or imported by POSTing XML configuration files to the createItem
endpoint. The configuration files are included in the toybank
repository under the jenkins-jobs
directory. The pipeline steps describe the actual tasks to run the job, and are included in files under the toybank/pipeline-steps
Add a repository to your Docker Hub account for storing the toybank
images built by kpack. You will also add a webhook notification to the repository, which POSTs to a specified endpoint each time an image is pushed to a repository, provides information about the image, and when it was pushed. This is useful for triggering the next step in a pipeline, although this means your pipeline needs to expose an endpoint on the public internet for Docker Hub to be able to access it.
That’s not a very easy thing to do if you are running (as we are) a minikube cluster on a local machine. If your production pipeline is hosted on the public cloud, it is something you might be able to do. However, CI/CD pipelines are quite often hosted on internal networks and aren’t going to have any publicly accessible endpoints. Of course, you don’t have to use Docker Hub as your image repository; you could set up something like Harbor on your internal network. Harbor also provides webhooks, so you could still use that to trigger the next stage of your pipeline.
Let’s set up the repository, then look at a workaround for the webhook so that we can see all parts of the pipeline working.
and click the Create button.Provided you have a way of running an application accessible on the public internet (for example an AWS, Azure, or GCP account), you can build the webhook-listener
utility and deploy it. This is a simple Spring Boot application with two endpoints:
endpoint that accepts GET requests and displays the JSON history of POST calls/hook
endpoint that accepts POST requests with the header content-type:application/json
This endpoint stores the JSON payload for display by the /
endpoint.There is no automatic refresh of the UI, so refresh the page to see the latest posts. Newest posts are displayed at the top, and each post is displayed with the date and time.
You can get the webhook-listener
from here and build it with Maven. If you are able to deploy it to a public location, then add the webhook to your toybank
and set the URL to http://your-public-url/hook
If you don’t have an option to deploy it publicly, we’ll provide some sample data you can use for triggering the pipeline instead.
The first job in the pipeline builds the code and runs the unit tests. You can import the job from the toybank/jenkins-jobs/01-toybank-build.xml
file and change the contents of the <remote>
element to point to your fork of the toybank
repository.curl -X POST \
'http://admin:<em>api-token</em>@<em>jenkins-url</em>/createItem?name=01-toybank-build' \
--header "Content-Type: application/xml" -d @01-toybank-build.xml
where api-token
is the API token you created when configuring Jenkins, and jenkins-url
is the URL and port-number to connect to your local Jenkins.
.The job you have added:
You can check the configuration details through the Jenkins dashboard.
The contents of pipeline-steps/01-toybank-build
are shown below:
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage ('build') {
steps {
withMaven (
maven: 'maven-3-8',
mavenLocalRepo: '.repository'
) {
sh "mvn package"
[sshUserPrivateKey(credentialsId: 'git_automation',
keyFileVariable: 'SSH_FILE')]) {
sh '''
git config --global ""
git config --global "jenkins-ci"
GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -i $SSH_FILE -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no"
git checkout image-build-branch
git merge origin/main
git push
The first step runs the mvn package
command that builds and then runs the unit tests. If this is successful, the latest changes are merged to the image-build-branch
and pushed back to GitHub. This is the trigger for kpack to create an image. Test the pipeline by clicking the Build Now button. It might take two or three minutes to build.
For kpack to create your application container images, it needs:
First, you set up the secrets, accounts, and ClusterStore
needed by builder and image:
kubectl create secret docker-registry dockerhub-registry-credentials \
--docker-username=your-username \
--docker-password=your-password \
--docker-server= \
--namespace default
kp secret create git-ssh-cred --git-url \
--git-ssh-key ~/.ssh/your-ssh-key
file in the toybank
repository. In doing so, you’ll need to edit the file to include your GitHub secret if you created one in Step 2).kubectl apply -f kpack/kpack-service-account.yaml
for kpack to store buildpacks in your Kubernetes cluster. The ClusterStore
type is a Custom Resource Definition added to your cluster when kpack is installed. Use the kpack/kpack-service-account.yaml
in the toybank
repository:kubectl apply -f kpack/cluster-store.yaml
kp clusterstore status default
This particular ClusterStore
only references the Paketo Java buildpack, so you will only be able to build Java applications from this store, however, you can add buildpacks for other languages. Paketo is an open source project which supplies buildpacks for several popular languages (see for more information).
. The stack is a pair of images—a build image and a run image. The build image is the base image for a build environment. The run image is the base image for your application image. Use the kpack/kpack-service-account.yaml
in the toybank
repository:kubectl apply -f kpack/cluster-stack.yaml
kp clusterstack status base
Once your ClusterStack
is ready, we can create the builder. When you set up a builder, kpack creates a builder image and stores it in the repository specified by your docker-registry secret.
file in the toybank
repository to specify an image tag for your builder image.spec:
tag: <em>your-account-name</em>/image-builder
kubectl apply -f kpack/builder.yaml
kp builder status toybank-builder
If the builder status isn’t ready, you will need to do some debugging to work out why. For example, was kpack able to access your image repository?
Set up the kpack image. The image specifies the sources for your application, the builder to use, and a tag to give the image.
repository to specify an image tag for your application image. \spec:
tag: your-account-name/toybank:latest
url: github-url for your repository
kubectl apply -f kpack/image.yaml
watch kp image status toybank-image
Once kpack has built the image log into your image repository, you should see two new tags for your image; one will be latest, and the other will be in the form bnn.yyyymmdd.hhmmss
where nn
is the build number, yyyymmdd
is the date, and hhmmss
is the time.
If the status of your image remains Not Ready
, you will need to do some investigation to find out why. You can see a build log by running:
kp build logs toybank-image
or to see the logs for build number n.
kp build logs toybank-image -b n
You can also get extra information about the state of an image by viewing the information Kubernetes has about the image object:
kubectl get image toybank-image -o yaml
The second job in this pipeline pulls an image from Docker Hub, deploys it into a test namespace, and runs the end-to-end tests. This job is triggered by a webhook. In a production environment, your image repository would be able to call the Jenkins endpoint for the trigger directly, but as explained earlier in “Set up a Docker Hub repository” that isn’t very practical if you are building the pipeline on your laptop. To set up the job:
file and change the following:Find the <hudson.model.ParametersDefinitionProperty>
element and change the <defaultValue>
element to point to your Docker Hub account and toybank
Find the <url>
element and change it to point to your GitHub repository (SSH URL):
curl -X POST \
'http://admin:api-token@jenkins-url/createItem?name=02-toybank-e2e \
--header "Content-Type: application/xml" -d @02-toybank-e2e.xml
.The job you have added is configured as:
for use by the pipeline itself1231—this
token must be passed as a query parameter when the webhook endpoint is called. This trigger also has a regexp filter against the DH_IMAGE_TAG
variable. This will stop the build being triggered if the tag in the JSON body sent to the webhook is latest
.Before triggering this build, edit the pipeline steps for this job.
, and in the very first withCredentials
step, edit the git clone
statement to point to your forked toybank
statement in the final withCredentials
step provides a DATABASE_URL
which is correct for a minikube cluster with the PostgreSQL server running on port 5432 on the host machine. If you set up the database as explained in “Set up local database” earlier, and you are using minikube, this URL should be correct, otherwise you will need to change it.The pipeline has three separate steps under the run-tests stage. The first step clones the toybank
repository. The second step deploys an image to your cluster. It has one withCredentials
block nested inside another. The first block puts the database credentials into environment variables, and the second block makes the Kubernetes configuration you set up in “Create a Jenkins Kubeconfig” available.
In this step, the following command sets up yaml files ready to deploy the application to the test namespace:
ytt -f toybank-config-template.yaml -f toybank-deploy-template.yaml
-f toybank-service-template.yaml -f db-secret-template.yaml -f schema.yaml
-v data.databasePassword=$DB_USER_B64 -v data.databaseUser=$DB_PASSWORD_B64
-v image=$DH_IMAGE -v metadata.namespace=test
-v data.databaseUrl=jdbc:postgresql://host.minikube.internal:5432/dev
--output-files test
This uses the ytt templating utility (see to create a set of Kubernetes yaml files in a test subdirectory, substituting in the correct data to create the database secrets, set the image, set the database URL, and set the namespace. The next command, which deploys the application into the test namespace, is:
kubectl apply -f test/.
The final step uses Maven to run the tests in class ToyBankApplicationE2E
. This runs a test program in the Jenkins agent container, which makes REST calls to the application deployed in Test. The test program requires the database credentials to clear the test database before running tests.
The final job deploys the tested image to production. This job is also parameterized so that Job 2 can pass it the tag for the image that has been tested; that way you know that the image deployed to production is the one that passed the end-to-end tests.
To set up the job:
file, find the <url>
element and change it to point to your GitHub repository (SSH URL)
curl -X POST \
'http://admin:api-token@jenkins-url/createItem?name=03-toybank-deploy' \
--header "Content-Type: application/xml" -d @03-toybank-deploy.xml
.The job you have added is configured as:
which gives the tag of the image to deploy