Health Monitoring

Pivotal/Tanzu Labs

This lab introduces the concepts of Observability, Health Monitoring and Probes.

You will use Spring Boot Actuator to add production-ready monitoring features to your pal-tracker application.

Learning outcomes

After completing the lab, you will be able to:

  • Explain how to set up Actuator for a Spring Boot app
  • Explain uses for health indicators and availability probes

Get started

  1. Review the Application Operations slides.

  2. You must have completed (or fast-forwarded to) the Data Access lab. You must have your pal-tracker application associated with the jdbc-solution codebase deployed and running on Tanzu Application Service.

  3. In a terminal window, make sure you start in the ~/workspace/pal-tracker directory.

  4. Before starting the lab, pull in some failing tests using Git:

    git cherry-pick actuator-start

    This added a PalTrackerFailure class, which you will use in the Liveness section of the lab to demonstrate Spring Boot AvailabilityState.

  5. Attempt to compile:

    ./gradlew compileJava

    It should fail. You will get it to compile in the next section.

If you get stuck

If you get stuck within this lab, you can either view the solution, or you can fast-forward to the actuator-solution tag.


Dependency and configuration

  1. Add the Actuator dependency to your build.gradle file:

    implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-actuator'
  2. Attempt to compile again:

    ./gradlew compileJava

    It should now pass.

  3. Expose all Actuator endpoints by adding the following to the bootRun and test environments in your build.gradle file.

  4. Start your application locally.

Actuator diagnostic endpoints

Spring Boot Actuator exposes various developer diagnostic endpoints that show useful information about your application. This lab will walk you through the more interesting and important ones.

  1. Visit the /actuator/mappings endpoint.

    Here you will see all the controller endpoints that you have defined, as well as any endpoints that are brought in from dependencies.

  2. Visit the /actuator/env endpoint.

    This endpoint shows the state of the environment that your application is running in, including environment variables and system properties.

  3. Visit the /actuator/beans endpoint.

    This endpoint shows the beans that are being used within your application.

  4. Visit the /actuator/metrics endpoint.

    This endpoint shows all the metrics that Actuator has collected by default, such as system information like uptime, load, memory, etc. Take one of the values listed here and append it to the end of the /actuator/metrics URL to see the data collected for that metric.

    Custom metrics will also be shown here. There are several types of custom metrics that can be collected:

    • Gauge - gives an instantaneous measurement of a value that may increase or decrease over time, for example, the current amount of free memory.
    • Counter - counts the number of times an event has occurred, for example, the total number of API requests processed.
    • DistributionSummary - tracks aspects of the characteristics of a set of events, including the total value, maximum value and count. For example, the total number of bytes received in messages on a queue, the maximum message size, and the total number of messages.
    • Timer - similar to DistributionSummary but specialized for tracking information about the duration large number of short running events
  5. Visit the /actuator/info endpoint. By default, you will not see any information here.

    • Add the following to your build.gradle file:

      springBoot {

      This adds a META-INF/ file to your jar. When Actuator sees this file it exposes a BuildInfoContributor bean which adds build information to the /info endpoint.

    • Restart your application.

    • Visit the /actuator/info endpoint again to see the build information.

      You can add your own information to this endpoint by creating a bean that implements InfoContributor.

Health indicators

Spring Boot will automatically provide health indicators for external backing services, such as relational databases or message oriented middleware, which support auto-configuration. This will enable you to monitor the ability of the application to connect to them.

Actuator provides an endpoint for this:

Visit the /actuator/health endpoint.

  1. By default, for unauthenticated users, this endpoint just shows the application status (UP or DOWN).

    • Add the following to the bootRun environment in your build.gradle file.


      This will allow the health endpoint to expose additional information such as disk space and web container health status.

    • Restart your application and visit the /actuator/health endpoint again to see the more detailed health status.

  2. View the various components of the health status:

    • diskSpace: Provided as a native health indicator to show health status of the disk space available to your app.

    • ping: Provided as part of Spring Web MVC to show health of the web container.

    • db: Provided as part of JDBC configured resources, showing health of the database connection pool.

Uses for health indicators

Actuator health indicators have several uses in modern applications. They can be used for:

Application monitoring

The Actuator health endpoint is one of the various data points that may be streamed to monitoring systems:

  1. Near realtime monitoring systems

    These systems tell application operators the current state of the application. These systems can alert operators if an application becomes unhealthy and allow them to take actions to heal the application.

  2. Time-series collection

    These systems allow application operators to report on historical performance of their workloads. For example, mean time to recovery or application uptime/availability are metrics that can be calculated from time-series data.

Platform automation/self healing

Another use is that of special types of health indicators called availability probes.

Modern application platforms support a contract with the applications they run that the platform will monitor the application instance health. This contract allows the platform to dispose of unhealthy application instances, and recover them according to the instructions given to it by application operators.

Workloads can support the platform contract by exposing endpoints that allow the platform to answer the following questions:

  1. Is the application ready to do work?
  2. Is the application healthy?

The platform can block work being routed to a newly started applications until it tells the platform it is ready.

The platform can also dispose of applications that indicate that they are in a state where they may not be able to reliably service requests.

Availability probes

An availability probe is contract between an application and a runtime platform.

The application instances expose different availability types to the platform, and the platform can take a specific actions based on those types.

The two most common types are:

  • readiness probe
  • liveness probe

Spring Boot 2.3.x and above allow your application to:

  • Define rules for availability types
  • Expose availability probe endpoints via Actuator health endpoints

Enable probes locally

When running locally on a development workstation, availability probes are not enabled. You will need to enable them.

  1. Add the following environment variable to the bootRun.environment() in the build.gradle file:


  2. Restart the pal-tracker application on your development workstation.

  3. Verify a request to the actuator/health endpoint has a 200 HTTP response and an up status:

    curl -v localhost:8080/actuator/health
  4. Verify the readinessState and livenessState entries are both present in the response of the health endpoint with up status.

  5. Verify a request to the actuator/health/liveness endpoint has a 200 HTTP response and an up status:

    curl -v localhost:8080/actuator/health/liveness

    This is the liveness probe endpoint.

Note: Tanzu Application Service supports use the of the liveness probe with the health-check feature, which you will demonstrate in the next lab.

Tanzu Application Service does not currently support the use of readiness checks.


An application should report a liveness state of up when it is not having issues and is able to answer requests in a timely fashion. The platform can use the state of the liveness probe to destroy and re-create application instances that can not adequately service requests.

Spring Boot exposes the probe via the actuator/health/liveness endpoint. By default the liveness probe defaults to the Spring web container being up.

Let’s pretend that our application can no longer service the requests reliably. Perhaps the app encounters a fatal exception from which it cannot recover, or there is a persistent failure of a backing service.

Unfortunately backing services health indicators are not suitable to use for the liveness probe of the application as a whole because they also indicate transient failures of the backing service. This is discussed further in the Special Considerations section.

The cherry-picked code provided a new tool that you will use to demonstrate a broken liveness state in your pal-tracker application:

  1. Review the PalTrackerFailure actuator management endpoint:

    git show actuator-start:src/main/java/io/pivotal/pal/tracker/

    Notice that it publishes events to simulate breaking the liveness state, and how it allows us to simulate a recovery.

  2. Restart pal-tracker application on your development workstation.

  3. Verify a request against the liveness endpoint with a 200 HTTP response and an up status:

    curl -v localhost:8080/actuator/health/liveness
  4. Simulate your application becoming unhealthy:

    curl -v -XPOST -H "Content-Length:0" localhost:8080/actuator/palTrackerFailure
  5. Verify a request against the liveness endpoint with a 503 HTTP response and a down status:

    curl -v localhost:8080/actuator/health/liveness

    The liveness endpoint will reflect the current availability state of your application.

  6. Simulate your application becoming healthy:

    curl -v -XDELETE localhost:8080/actuator/palTrackerFailure

Special considerations

It may be tempting to use the auto-configured backing service health indicators to override the liveness probe of your application.

Do not do this!

Be aware that the health indicators for most backing services show a near realtime state of connections to a resource, and as such, may capture both transient and persistent failure events.

You should generally not use transient failures alone to calculate the liveness state of your application, as this may cause the platform to mistakenly destroy and re-create application instances. This can lead to cascading failures in your system as application instances are destroyed and re-created due to transient failures of backing services.

You should think deeply about what defines the rules of your application to announce to the platform that it gives up, and define those rules in code, or a dedicated health indicator.

The code example in the PalTrackerFailure is an example of one way to define a liveness failure event; however, it is not a realistic one.

Designing proper liveness state calculation may require significant load testing or production experience to understand the “cracks” in the application characteristics to properly design and tune the availability probes.

Monitoring tools

The majority of the actuator endpoints discussed in the Actuator diagnostic endpoints section are used in context of developer diagnostics. Much of the information exposed through these endpoints, and especially the JVM information exposed through the metrics endpoint, is likely to be available through Application Performance Monitoring tools such as Dynatrace, AppDynamics or New Relic.

Actuator security considerations

Earlier in this lab you saw all the exposed Actuator endpoints. The diagnostic endpoints can expose sensitive information about your application that bad actors could use to explore ways to compromise your application.

For this reason, none of the endpoints other than info and health are exposed by default.

The health endpoint does not show details by default. It merely shows the resolved status and returns either a 200 or 503 http status code.

As you saw earlier in this lab the MANAGEMENT_ENDPOINT_HEALTH_SHOWDETAILS parameter can be used to show details, but if you choose to do so, be careful.

Consider the following guidelines:

  1. Leave all endpoints you do not want to explicitly expose turned off. In most cases this means leaving only the defaults (info and health) exposed for build or git diagnostic information, and availability probes.

  2. If you need any of the other diagnostic endpoints exposed, consider doing so under a dedicated security role using Spring Security configuration.

  3. Commit and push your changes to GitHub.

Wrap up

Now that you have completed the lab, you should be able to:

  • Explain how to set up Actuator for a Spring Boot app
  • Explain uses for health indicators and availability probes


If you have additional time, explore the many Actuator endpoints. Expose your project’s git information through the info endpoint.
